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Composed of short stories on the vitally important topics of love, loss, crocodiles and cats - Mutton Hour is a small piece of heartfelt nonsense, lovingly crafted by some of South Africa's best theatre talent.




Mutton Hour is a compact travelling circus of theatre that provides the ideal entertainment for any occasion. Combining humour, musical interludes and kamishibai (Japanese illustrated storytelling) this show is for anyone who might need a whimsical re-introduction to the world of theatre, after a two year hiatus. Not for children under 16 years of age (though they've definitely seen worse on the internet).

In Mutton Hour bring van ons voorste teaterlui kort stories oor liefde, verlies , krokodille en katte na die verhoog-lekker lawwe verhale vol humor, musiek en kamishibai, die Japannese tegniek van geïllustreerde storievertelling. Dié produksie sal jou ná twee jaar van pandemie-grendeltye weer van voor af lief maak vir teater!



Geskryf deur: Jemma Kahn, De Klerk Oelofse, Cintaine Schutte en Gideon Lombard

Regie: Gideon Lombard 

Met: Cintaine Schutte en Wilhelm van der Walt 



Aktrise & Vervaardiger

Cintaine het in kleuterskool konserte van ‘n padda, tot ‘n mier, tot ‘n by, tot ‘n nar gespeel. As jy na haar CV kyk (kyk mense nog na CV’s?) sien jy dat sy haar drama graad af betaal het en dat sy presies is waar sy moet wees. Teater, TV, Film, stemwerk, produksie werk en vervaardiging is een deel van haar lewe.


Die ander deel van haar lewe is haar Vabond, Lily haar kat, wyn saam met geliefdes, swem in die see en Tinkies eet. Sy is innig dankbaar dat sy nooit weer ‘n nar in haar lewe hoef te speel nie.




Wilhelm wou eintlik Sielkundige of 'n Rollercoaster-resensent word. Maar die kursusse was vervelig, en toe hy uitvind hy is Andre Huguenet se agter- kleinnefie, toe slaan hy oor na Drama en Teaterkuns.


Na 6 jaar van Drama studies, betree Wilhelm toe die industrie. Hy is nogsteeds daarin. Soos julle kan aflei. As hy nie op die verhoog, of voor die kamera, of voor 'n mikrofoon is nie, sal jy hom vind waar hy kontempleer oor die lewe, die liefde en waar sy kat Freddie is. Hy reken die hoogtepunt van sy loopbaan was toe hy die rookmasjien gespeel het in 'n verhoogverwerking van Gorillas in the Mist - On Ice! 




Gideon is te nuuskierig vir sy eie beswil. Na ’n mislukte poging om argiktetuur te studeer, neem hy die scenic route deur ’n paar jaar se tale, musiek en filosofie. Iewers oppad kry hy ’n TEATER infeksie en, na meerdere pogings, sukkel hy steeds om heeltemaal gesond te word.  


Oor die afgelope dekade doen hy fantastiese werk met nominasies, maar het darem al hier en daar iets gewen ook.  Hy het een been in TV, die ander in tech, maar vind steeds sy grootste plesier met sy derde been in die teater.

Host a show




  • Rate of the show can be discussed once the Host makes contact with Mutton Hour

  • A deposit of 50% deposit will be made by the Host when a performance date has been confirmed.

  • Payment can be made via EFT prior to the event or by Card Machine, at the event.

  • Proof of payment must be received 3 days prior to the show.

  • EFT payments must be made by one guest only, preferably the Host.

  • Surprise guests ticketing price is R250, payable via card machine on the night.


Cancellation Policy

  If Mutton Hour must cancel due to unforeseen circumstances and the show cannot be rescheduled, the Host will receive a full refund.

  If the Host must cancel due to unforeseen circumstances, the deposit will be kept as cancellation fee. This fee can go towards payment if the show can be rescheduled.


The Audience

  • If members of the audience have not arrived by the allocated start time, the show will start anyway. There will be opportunities during the show for late comers to be admitted.

  • Feel free to take photos during performance and tag us on social media. No videos please.

  • Because the performance is taking place in a space that is not Mutton Hour’s -please be nice. If Mutton Hour feels in anyway uncomfortable they may leave and the show will not be refunded.


T's & C's

Mutton Hour will:

  • Set up and perform a show that will want to make your guests stay afterwards!

  • Bring all props, sound, costume and lighting equipment necessary for the show

  • Try not to pet your cat too much or maybe make them part of the show

  • Advise the Host on the best seating plan for the space and performance

  • Pack up and not leave a mess. It might be possible that Mutton Hour joins the party afterwards but may also have to leave for a second show or make it home safely!


Mutton Hour


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Thanks for submitting!

© 2022 Mutton Hour

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